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How to Grow As a Streamer: Pt 3

Welcome to the third and final part of our guide to help you become the next big name in the streaming world! We’re back with the crew from the previous episode: Kashman, Spragels, Surf, Dramatic, Zanadood & BigRobEnergy 💪 If you haven’t yet, be sure to check out their channels here and learn from the best!

Mana: Do you play one game or are you a variety streamer?

Kashman: I played one game. It is a mobile game called Clash Royale. 😂

Spragels: Mainly one game, Pokemon Unite.

Surf: I usually stick to one game at a time to capture a community on a consistent basis.

Mana: What's one way you can encourage people to join your live stream?

Dramatic: Using YouTube and Tiktok!

Zanadood: I think creating content outside of Twitch is super important. You need to do something that sets you apart from others and use the call to action in your other content to incentivize new viewers to stop by!

Rob: I’m a big fan of “guerilla marketing”, which is basically when you’re advertising something but the audience doesn’t even realize it. For example, I may post a TikTok and let’s just say it gets 500k views, and in that TikTok I may be talking about a certain game and within my dialogue, I briefly mention me being on Twitch for 2-3 seconds, but it’s not the point of the TikTok at all. Now all 500k of those people know I stream on Twitch … Also, adding a direct link to your live stream on your other socials is imperative. You always want to make things as convenient as possible for people to find you elsewhere.

Mana: What about moderators? Do you suggest using them? At what point are they needed – if at all?

Kashman: Moderators are very important! For helping you out but also further adding a sense of community to your live streams. This gives a certain few viewers invested interest in your community and your stream, so make sure to select moderators that you trust. These Moderators will be crucial to building your community and brand … A great way to select mods when first starting out is to give them a trial period.

Dramatic: They’re definitely needed. That way chat can stay as a safe place while you focus on entertaining.

Zanadood: At the start of your streaming journey you should moderate for yourself to learn the tools and functions. After you have experienced some growth, I would suggest adding 2-3 trusted members of your community tio your moderation team to help keep things moving slowly. You should always be aware of your chat and be prepared to moderate for yourself because at the end of the day most mods are volunteers with their own duties and obligations!

Mana: How do you keep your audience engaged during a stream?

Spragels: I talk to them the whole time. We also have dumb things we joke about as a community that become sort of stream staples.

Surf: To keep people engaged, just be you and the right people will stick with you. You don't want to build a brand and following off of something you aren't.

Rob: I try to answer as many questions as possible and read every single message in my chat … once people realize that I respond to 95% of questions in the chat and that I truly care about my viewers, then they’re much more apt to engage in the chat. There are times when I can tell chat is dying down, and at that point I’ll try to ask some questions and get the convo going again. Definitely recommend having some staple questions if you’re a streamer!

Have a tip of your own to share? Let us know on Instagram or Twitter!


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